Academic Computing Conferences
Academic Computing Conferences aim to to be a platform to discuss all aspects of Computing in Turkish Universities: teaching, research and computing services. It will bring together people in charge of planning, executing, implementing computing and information services, teaching and doing research on information technologies. The meeting hopes to help to disseminate scientific knowledge, know how and personal experiences. It will help to develop guidelines and policies on information technologies on National scale.
It will consist of:Computer Literacy Education at Universities | |
Scholarly communication and Electronic Libraries | |
Information Technologies in Education | |
Information Technologies Infrastructure in Universities | |
Scientific Computing | |
National and Institutional Networks | |
University Computer Networks | |
High Performance Computing | |
Medical Informatics | |
Decision Support Systems in Universities |
Network Management | |
Computer System Administration | |
Computer Security | |
Web Management | |
Open/Free Software | |
DNS and Sendmail | |
Web - Database Interface | |
Perl, PHP, Python, F | |
Indexing and Searching | |
Samba: Integrating Unix, NT, Novel, Mac Networks | |
SGML, HTML, TeX, pdf |
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
Prof. Martin Groetschel, ZIB, Berlin, "Future of Scholarly Publication and Communcation", Abstract Colin K. Work, Computing Services, University of Southampton, "Web Management", Abstract Alik Haik, Sun Microsystems, Israel, " High Performance Computing Architectures" Ümit Kızıloğlu, ODTÜ, " Internet Based Education Tools"
H. Akan, Ankara Ü. | M. Akgül, Bilkent Ü. |
E. Arkun, Bilkent Ü. | Z. Aşık, ODTÜ. |
A. Baykal, Dicle Ü. | M. U. Çağlayan, Bogazici Ü. |
N. Dalfes, İTÜ | E. Derman, Ankara Ü. |
O. Gökçol, İstanbul Ü. | B. Karasözen, ODTÜ |
M. Kitapçı, Gazi Ü. | Y. Özden, ODTÜ |
A. Özgit, ODTÜ | A. Şimşek, Koç Ü. |
H. Soncul, Gazi Ü. | E. Tekman, Ulakbim |
N. Yalabık, ODTÜ | A. Varol, Fırat Ü. |
A. Altun ODTÜ | I. Aybay, DAÜ |
S. Aytaç, İYTE | N. Adar, Osmangazi Ü. |
D. Atılgan, Ankara Ü. | M. Baray, Bilkent Ü. |
N. Baştürk, YÖK | S. Baydere, Yeditepe |
S. Berköz, MSÜ | M. Demiralp, Işık |
C. Ersoy, Boğaziçi Ü. | E. Gül, Marmara Ü. |
A. Güneş, Anadolu Ü. | M. Karaşahin, SDÜ |
F. Konar, Sakarya Ü. | S. Kuru, Boğaziçi Ü. |
O. Manas, BT/Haber | S. Neftçi, Muğla Ü. |
O. Özcan YTÜ | E. Özkarahan, 9 Eylül Ü. |
A. Öztürk, Ege Ü. | R. Yazıcı, KTÜ |
O. Saka, Akdeniz Ü. | A. Saatçı, Hacettepe Ü. |
C. Saraç, Hacettepe Ü. | Y. Tonta, Hacettepe Ü. |
M. Türksever, Ege Ü. | U. Yarımağan, Hacettepe Ü. |
F. Y. Vural, ODTÜ |
A call for conference in Turkish
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